Client Stories
Discovering My Life Purpose
When she started one-on-one coaching with Marianne Welsh, she hoped to gain strategies for how to walk in a healthier physical lifestyle.
After beginning her coaching sessions, Melanie discovered that she didn’t know what freedom looked like in this area, and her real journey began.

“I realised I didn’t have a vision for my life. And if I didn’t know where I was going, how could I take any steps to get there?”
Through her coaching sessions, she discovered her dream to impact the culture of education for the better; subsequently, her whole life has changed.
When Melanie started coaching, she was struggling with mild depression.
Melanie’s way of relating and connecting with people changed, and she began to walk in new self-confidence in her workplace.
Through her sessions, she began to see herself differently.
I was able to see the things I am good at and my strengths.
Destiny coaching helped Melanie recognize her purpose and dreams. It unlocked creativity in Melanie’s life and, as she explained, ‘took the top off’ of her imagination. God began to stir fresh passion in her heart, and Melanie started to dream again. She said, “It created an opportunity for me to be real with myself and with what I wanted. I don’t have to put limits on myself because my Father in heaven has no limits!”

As life vision was awakened, new hope filled her, and she felt fresh courage and joy to move forward.
I wouldn’t be in such a place of opportunity and positivity if I hadn’t done coaching!
Coaching with Marianne helped Melanie recognise her purpose too. She explained it unlocked creativity in Melanie’s life and took the lid off of her imagination.
Her coaching sessions deeply impacted Melanie’s attitude towards life.
Melanie’s faith also shifted.
I feel it’s so much easier to spend time with somebody when you know they have your well-being in their heart. This realisation has changed my time with God!
Melanie’s confidence in God’s goodness grew as she encountered Him in her coaching sessions with Marianne.
I was trying to do everything to fix myself…now I focus much more on my relationship with Him. Also, I don’t have to put limits on myself because my Father in heaven has no limits!
Melanie’s greatest breakthrough in coaching was in defining her life purpose. She realized, “My dream is originally God’s dream, and although I can make plans to achieve it, it is God who will direct my steps.” She is still refining her life purpose and what her impact will be, but Melanie looks forward to continuing to partner with God to achieve it.
Her experience with her coach, Marianne Welsh, challenged and encouraged her in her discovery process.
Marianne wasn’t afraid to ask the hard questions and challenge me. Her set of tools helped me move forward into my purpose and goal.
Melanie enjoys taking regular action and is less afraid to take new risks. She is still adding dreams to her dream list and ticking off the ones that have already come true!
Now that I have a purpose, I have a place in the world.
Marianne was a champion, cheering me on every step of the way. We all need a coach to encourage us and keep us going. Athletes need them. We need them too.
Being interviewed for this was brilliant as it enabled me to reflect on how coaching has changed me and my life.
I cannot thank you enough for standing shoulder to shoulder with me as I wrestled with my fears, inner doubts, and weaknesses, I finally discovered that the sky is my limit, and God is ahead of me, ready to welcome me into my life purpose!
You were so encouraging, affirming, validating, and challenging (pushing me further than I thought I could), and I am so grateful.
I am not the same person!
Melanie McCready
Let’s explore new possibilities for your career.
Are you burned out? At a crossroads? Yearning to do something more meaningful but don’t know where to start? If so, then drop me a line, and I will see if I can help.